Friday 12 March 2010

Tea Anyone?

As much as I love a good cup of coffee, too much makes me jittery, and really you can't beat a good cup of soothing tea. I am slightly fanatical about my herbal tea collection, and am a sucker for a nice bit of packaging and graphic design. I love the newly designed Clipper tea boxes:
The card is matt in texture, and the pictures so pretty. Clipper also produce my all time favourite, liquorice tea. Admittedly, an acquired taste, liquorice is renowned for its soothing effect on the digestive system and always makes me feel calmer in moments of stress. And what about Celestial Seasons?
You only get 10 bags in a box, so I like to think of them as the luxury tea, wrapped in waxed paper the flavours are very unique - have you ever tried a 'Red Zinger'?
Another favourite brand is 'Yogi' tea. They do a delicious chocolate tea, which combines vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa shells and liquorice. My 2 boys enjoy a hot cup of this, which is a nice non dairy alternative to hot chocolate. Anyone else a tea lover? any recommendations?


  1. A lovely tea celestial seasons night time tea, its nice and sweet. Always remember when I was drinking gallons of yogi teas womens balance.....prefer rooibos with soya milk these days.

  2. I love the clipper tea packaging. I was lucky enough to get the tin boxes a couple of months back. So cute. I'm turning into a real middle aged woman... I can't drink coffee after midday! So I'm with you on tea. A x

  3. Thank you for stopping by my blog :) I am usually a coffee fan but since becoming pregnant with my first child I only drink tea. I also love yogi teas, here each yogi tea bag comes with a written saying or quote, they are all lovely! And rooibos is my favorite.
    Its exciting to see you are in the north of Scotland! My maternal family live not far from Banff, I really enjoy visiting them.

  4. Victoria - it's a small world! I live in Banchory, 20 miles west of Aberdeen, so not too far from Banff - thanks also for visiting our blog and leaving such a lovely comment!
